April 02, 2014

Pendants and Earrings with Old Leather Belt

Hello Everyone !
Today am going to share pendants and earrings made with old leather belt ..I just tried these and happy with the result.. :) and made the pendant chain using pendant and beads ..
Things you just need are old leather belt ,craft Knife for cutting out shapes ,needle to pierce hole in leather ,metallic acrylic colors , ear hooks, jump rings, beads and chain hook ..
Here are they ..

I have cut the shapes out of old leather belt and painted the designs using metallic acrylic colors with 000 brush .. 
then pierced holes with needle and inserted jump rings ..

for the pink and gold painted pendent I have used mix color crystals as I was confused which color to use and dangled 3 gold beads at the bottom with pinhead wire
 blue and gold crystals for the blue and gold painted pendant..
Painted white daisies for earrings and  added a beaded pearl .. for another pendant red and yellow daisies I have added half pearls for the sides and I didn't make a chain as there are no matching combination of beads for the pendant ..

 Will try more different shapes .. :)
 Hope you all like it ..
Thanks for stopping by ..have a nice day :)



  1. The earrings are my favourites, they are lovely followed by the pink pendant. But I think they would look even more awesome with gold/pink beads for the necklace

  2. They are awesome Radhika. I wouldn't have been able to guess that they were made of old belts if you hadn't told. Your painting is too good!!

  3. This is so unique, Radhika, never seen before. You are truly creative!!
    And jewelry designs are lovely!

  4. WHat a idea to use leather belt pieces for base Radhika ! Hats off to your painting..it isn't easy to paint small designs that too so neatly !

  5. WOW each piece so beautiful and your photography is becoming more and more stunning!!

  6. Truly amazing. Your painting is just wonderful.

  7. This is so cool, Radhika, you really can draw...*awed*

  8. This is so cool, Radhika, you really can draw...*awed*

  9. Thse are stunning Radhike, I thought these were terracota!! your painting designs and motifs are lovely !!

  10. Very nice creativity n work done,

  11. what an awesome DIY! definitely going to have to give it a go! :)

  12. looking very nice. Superb. Very unique.

  13. Hey Radhika , seeing this I too wanted to try making these leather earrings... will post photos soon in my blog... Thank you very much for this wonderful idea...


Thank you for the lovely comments ..